To publication will be accepts unpublished research papers as well as review article, case reports, book reviews and reports connected with polygraph examinations.
Submitted manuscripts must be written in English.
All papers are assessed by referees (usually from Editorial Board), and after a positive opinion are published.
Texts for publication should be submitted in the form of normalized printout (1800 characters per page) and in electronic form (diskette, CD), or sent by e-mail to Editorial Office.
The total length of research papers and review article should not exceed 12 pages, case reports – 6 pages, and other texts (book review, report) – 5 pages.
The first page of paper should contain : the title, the full name of the author (authors), the name of institution where the paper was written, the town and country , and 3-5 keywords.
Figures should be submitted both in printed form (laser print, the best) and electronic form.
Tables should be numbered in Roman numerals and figures in Arabic ones.
Figures, tables , titles of figures and titles of tables should be included on a separate page.
The places in the text where they are to be included should be indicated.
The references should be arranged in the alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors.
The references should be after the text.
Each reference should include: the surname (surnames) of the author (authors), the first letter of author’s first name, the title of the book, year and place of the publication, the name of publisher; or the title of the paper, the full title of the journal the year, the volume, the number and the first page of the paper. For example (in references):
Reid J., Inbau F., Truth and deception: the polygraph (“lie-detector”) techniques, Williams&Wilkins, Baltimore, 1966;
Abrams S., Polygraph validity and reliability – a review, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 1973, 18,4, 313. and (Reid, Inbau, 1966), (Abrams 1973) inside text.
Texts for publication in “European Polygraph” should be mail to:
“European Polygraph”
Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
ul. Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzinskiego 1
30-705 Kraków (Poland)