Dear Readers …..117
Jan Widacki: Attempts at Lie Detection Based on Scientific Premises on the End of 19 Century and in the First Half of the 20 Century …..121
Tuvya Amsel: Planting the Seeds of Polygraph’s Practice. A Brief Historical Review …..141
Book review
J.W.: Uskikov I.P., Tschernenko R.V., Komponienty formirovania voprosov sravnieniya. Sbornik spietsialnih voprosov, Kyiv 2019. [Components for phrasing control questions], in Russian; 102 pp. …..157
Discussions, polemics
Marcin Gołaszewski: Report from the 54th Seminar of the American Polygraph Association …..161
Certificate Impact Factor …..167
The Basic Information for Authors …..169
Rules and regulations concerning publishing papers in European Polygraph …..171
Ordering Information …..173